
Let’s make this happen!

Feeling lost or frustrated that your dont know all the things?

Saying YES to work that doesn’t light you up?

Wish you had someone you could reach out to for clarity or inspiration in your photography biz?

I started my biz when I had my first child, 8 years ago, and I’m still constantly learning, but my gosh I have learnt so much in this time and would love to share my knowledge with you. Running a photography biz sure has so much more to it than taking pretty pictures.

My experience has taught me how valuable it is to learn from someone who has been in the same position prior, thats why I’ve personally invested so much into Photography Mentors and will continue to do so.

I’ve had hundreds of clients stand in front of my lens and trust me to capture their journey. I’ve trialled many different systems and processes, shed lots of tears, made mistakes, learnt lots and had a whole lot of fun along the way of creating my thriving business which allows me to have a great work / life balance.

If you are new and just starting out, I have been where you are and I know how overwhelming it can all be.

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”

— John Crosby

How my online mentoring sessions work:

Step 1

Book a mentoring session

Send me an email to to book in for mentoring. From there I will send you an in depth questionnaire to find out what you are hoping to pick my brains about; to make sure that I am a good fit for you and I’ll make a session plan to ensure you get the most out of your time chatting with me. I specialise in offering support for the behind the scenes business side of Photography. We will work out a suitable time for your session.

Step 2

Have your mentoring session

Boil the kettle and get comfy with a cuppa, your 1 hour online mentoring session will take place over zoom, the session will be recorded for you to refer back to.

Step 3

Support after your mentoring session

I will send you a detailed email summary of our session, along with a little one page freebie that shows all of my must have photography apps and programs along with exclusive discount codes. You will have my email support for 1 week after your session, you can email me any follow up questions that might come up after our session.

Introductory Price $330

There’s so much we can talk about depending on what you want to focus on.

  • Pricing

  • Accounting

  • Backing up photos

  • Contracts

  • Insurances

  • Client experience

  • Camera gear & settings

  • Printing

  • Creating work life balance

  • Client management

  • How to attract dream clients

  • Social media tools and tips

  • Websites

  • Apps & programs

  • Client management

  • Your online presence

  • Marketing

Want access to exclusive discount
codes to get you started with professional photography programs and software?

Book Now

I cant wait to help you on your journey, the only way from here is up!

Follow your dreams

Follow your dreams •