If you still have questions beyond these FAQs please email me via hello@becshawphotography.com or use my contact form using the button below.

  • If you’ve seen my previous work and decided I’m the Photographer for you, click here. It is so incredibly important to find the right photographer for your and your family. So please stalk my work first, get to know me via my instagram stories and if you vibe with me, send me all your details so I can touch base with you and book your photoshoot in. A session deposit of $200 will be needed to secure your session date. I’ll send you a quote, a contract to sign and a simple questionnaire to help me get to know you and your family better. I try to schedule majority of my shoots on a Tuesday, Thursday or weekend. I do recommend making contact with me at least three months prior to when you would like your shoot as I seem to be booking up fast and only have limited monthly availability.

  • I am all about small intimate family shoots, they are my fav. I love capturing real family connections, with larger groups these candid connections are harder to capture. My displayed family package is for immediate families of up to 5 people. I do still take on a handful of extended family shoots per year but there is an additional cost for those kinds of shoots. Please email me for more details.

  • Yes! All of my shoots are paid in three instalments. Initially a $200 deposit is required then the remaining balance is split into two payments. The last payment is due 3 days before your photoshoot date. You can of course pay the full amount in one go, or I will happily arrange an alternate payment plan if you need, please just email me to discuss.

  • This is one of the most asked questions I receive, the most important item of clothing to wear is something you feel comfortable and beautiful in. With family photos I do always suggested wearing similar colour tones with different textures to add some interest. I recommend not wearing large brand name clothing, distracting patterns or the traditional jeans and white top combo for the whole family. Start by finding one item of clothing you love (I usually suggest mum find her outfit first) and build the whole family wardrobe around that outfit. I’m always happy to discuss your ideas and give suggestions prior to our shoot, so please reach out for guidance. A lot of clients find it helpful to look through my past client galleries or my Pinterest page to get ideas.

    I have a range of beautiful dresses for my mama clients in my ‘client wardrobe’. These are available complimentary to all of my clients. I will send you a PDF to look through prior to or shoot.

    If you dont want to spend money on a dress you will wear once just for photos, you could hire a gorgeous dress from https://mamarentals.com.au/

    Some kids clothing brands I love: Jamie Kay, Children of the Tribe, Luca the Label & By Billie.

    Some clothing brands for mums that I love: Spell, Arnhem, Fillyboo Maternity, Bimby and Roy, Free People, Tree of Life and Opia by Byron Bay. We’re lucky in the Riverland to have a number of amazing businesses that stock great kids and ladies fashion items too; Little Vibes, Dear Lyla, Jodie Lees, Henry & Cooper, Frankie & Dandelion, Pepperz, Chubby Cheeks Boutique, K-hub and Big W.

  • So many options here in the Riverland! I love capturing families in their home or outdoors. I personally love Lake Bonney, the scrub and old buildings, I have a number of locations up my sleeve but are always interested to hear my client’s suggestions. Choosing a location really depends on what the shoot is and what time your shoot is. Most new parents find at home shoots perfect for bubs, they are in their natural environment, comfortable and warm. Other people prefer a nature backdrop, I love shooting early morning and at sunset when the sun is low and most flattering.

    When choosing a location and time, it’s important to consider where the sun will be positioned at the time as I like to shoot with the sun behind my clients. Also think about how you will display your photos in your home, will the colours of the back drop suit your home decor? Will your children be happy at that time of day or ready for bed etc. I can help you plan though, so please don’t stress. It is worth noting, I do charge a small travel fee for shoots outside of Loxton.

  • If it’s raining or extremely windy or hot and we have an outdoor session scheduled I will make a call the day before or on the day to cancel and reschedule. If I am sick I will cancel the shoot ASAP. If you are sick, please let me know ASAP so we can cancel. I would really love for you to be honest and let me know if you’ve been sick - being the only one working in my business I would like to dodge sickness where possible so other shoots don’t have to be cancelled too. Sometimes things happen out of our control, I will do my best to accommodate your situation and organise another session. Please bear in mind that all session deposits are non-refundable. I will of course consider each case individually.

  • Outdoor sessions:
    We will meet at the arranged location. If you are running late I would appreciate you text me to let me know. I’ll have already arrived early to the session to scope out the perfect spots for photos. I’ll spend some time chatting to you and getting to know all family members and will try my best to make children feel comfortable. I have been known to dance a bit, jump like a kangaroo or play some music during shoots, pretty much I’ll do whatever it takes to make your children enjoy the shoot and smile. My outdoor shoots aim to be more of a fun family outing than a scary photoshoot. You can be yourself, have fun, explore the surroundings whilst I happily run around snapping candid moments. I ask that you be totally present during your shoot, have fun and love on your children and family. Cuddles, dancing, playing – they make for the best photos.

    In home sessions:
    I’ll arrive at your house at the agreed time and introduce myself. I’ll spend some time getting to know you and your family then I’ll have a walk around your home to look at the best areas to take photos inside and outside. I’ll be looking for natural light, so I’ll ask that all blinds and curtains are open. We’ll likely take some cozy shots on the family couch, in bubs nursery and outside if there’s some nice greenery or a plain wall. I usually spend 1-1.5 hours in a client’s home this allows for nappy changes and feeds etc. I aim to make the session relaxed and enjoyable and will give you direction so you will never feel lost during the shoot. I’m also always open to hear your suggestions and ideas.

  • We’ll be friends for life. But seriously, please stay in touch. I truly care about my clients and their families and would love nothing more to photograph you during each stage of your life. I will head home and edit your images after our photoshoot. I’ll post a sneak peek on my Instagram or Facebook page a few days after your session (unless you’ve requested not to have your photos shared online). If you’re not already following my pages, please do so. You’ll receive your photos within 6 weeks of your session. I’ll email you a link to an online gallery where you’ll be able to view all the high-resolution edits from your session. You can download your favourite images straight from the gallery and send the gallery link to family and friends if you wish. Your images will remain in this gallery for twelve months. The gallery also has a store attached to it, so you can purchase additional high res edits or order prints and canvases straight away. I’ll encourage you to download the FREE Pic-Time app on your phone so you can have easy mobile access to your gallery too.

  • I am a mum to two kiddies and I’ve photographed hundreds of kids all with their own unique personalities and behaviour. I really try to make all kids feel comfortable and have fun during my sessions. If I have to to act goofy to get a smile I will!! One thing I’ll never do is pressure or try to force kids to pose and smile for photos. I’ll base my photos around them and what they want to do. If they want to run off and look at leaves, let them do it. If they want to have a cry and a cuddle, hold them tight and let me capture those real moments of your family life. If they don’t want to look at the camera, that’s fine sing a song to them or have a chat and let me capture that connection. I try to encourage all parents to try their best to remain calm and present during the photoshoot and to not pressure kids to look at the camera or smile overly forced. It’s the natural candid photos that most clients book me for so trust me that I will be able to capture beautiful photos of your kids no matter what mood they are in during our shoot. Have fun, be present & do what your kids want during the shoot.

  • I have always been vigilant with my hand hygiene, but more so now than ever. I sanitise my hands prior to beginning every shoot and will minimise touching clients during shoots, this includes newborns. I will do my best to instruct mum and dad on how to wrap and pose bubs for photos. I will aim to keep 1.5 metres social distance where possible. Any clothes, rugs or wraps used during my shoots are washed before being used at another session. I will never attend a session if I am unwell, and I hope that you too would cancel our shoot if you or your children have been unwell. I have completed a Covid Safe Plan for my business.