Reawakening the Wild Feminine - Guest Blog by Life & Mindset Coach Tarsha Graefe

From Bec: I met Tarsha in 2022 when I was looking to improve my own mental health and wellbeing. I undertook 6 weeks of coaching with her and it was time well spent, my mindset and happiness vastly improved with her support and guidance. Fast forward two years and we’re working together again this time me offering my support to Tarsha. I was able to hold space for her and capture her essence with an empowerment shoot on a chilly morning at sunrise in Barmera South Australia. Throughout life, we do have to push and challenge ourselves to experience growth and nothing says “I’m ready to fully embrace and love my true self” like participating in an individual empowerment photoshoot.
I asked Tarsha if she would like to write a guest blog to speak about her empowerment photoshoot experience, here are her words. . .

This is dedicated to the women who have lost themselves along the way, lost their confidence, their connection to their bodies and their sensuality. This is for the women who have been stripped bare; emotionally and physically. Who have endured trauma, heartache, or loss, and who crave to reclaim their confidence, strength & happiness once again.

Embracing the Wild Feminine

The journey to Lake Bonney for my Empowerment photoshoot with Bec was more than just a creative calling—it was a sacred act of self-devotion; a celebratory act to mark the conclusion of my healing journey.

As I stood there, stripped bare (literally), dancing among the dawn of a new day, the experience symbolised my experience of coming out of the ashes of emotional abuse - stronger, braver and more in my feminine power than ever before.

Each click of the camera was a testament to the wild, passionate, sensual woman within me, who refused to be silenced or lay victim to past traumas. It was an emotional and physical rebirth. A moment of reawakening after enduring a year filled with heartache, loss, emotional abuse, stalking & harassment. The shoot was a celebration of resilience, of inner strength & tenacity to be standing here today.

Mindfully reconnecting to the Feminine

In those moments by the lake, as I lay naked in the sand, I became reconnected to my to my body, my sensuality & of the divine feminine energy that flows within all of us.

For those of us who overthink, who carry the weight of anxiety and self-doubt, it’s easy to lose sight of our inner strength & feminine intuition when our heads are clouded with an endless stream of thoughts.

This shoot allowed me to luxuriate in the pleasure of being fully present within myself, taking in the sounds of nature, with a quiet, compassionate mind. Re-igniting a loving connection and devotion to my true self; the confident, loving, optimistic woman within me who was laying dormant for some time. 

Empowering Women Through Coaching

Through my coaching practice, I support overthinkers to lovingly heal their anxious minds to feel empowered, confident, and in tune with their feminine energy.

I support women to reclaim their power, their sensuality, and cultivate an abundant life that’s fully aligned with who they want to become.

Once they’ve achieved this & are blissfully reflecting upon their coaching journey, I will 100% be recommending they book something like this empowerment photoshoot with Bec Shaw Photography in the Riverland, to celebrate who they have become now & have this moment captured in time. In true feminine devotion, compassionately celebrating themselves for all that they have achieved during the life changing coaching journey they have experience.

Often it does take working with a Life Coach to lovingly encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and finally change. If you're ready to lovingly heal your overthinking mind, book a coaching session with Tarsha - your future self with thank you.

Tarsha’s website:

Want to book an Empowerment Photoshoot for yourself with Bec Shaw Photography? Enquire here. 


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