Starting a Photography Business - Benefits of Investing In a Photography Business Mentor

Hey There, New Family PhotoGrapher

So, you took the leap and started your family photography biz – heck yeah! You must be buzzing with excitement, but maybe there's a tiny voice whispering "Uh oh, what now?"

Been there, totally get it. Remember when photography was just my fun side hustle? Thanks to friends and fam, it blossomed into this awesome business. But let me tell you, the switch wasn't exactly smooth sailing. I’ve shed many tears fumbling through and learning all the things, mostly on my own! Until I, myself decided to invest in mentoring.

I want to help new photographers who are just starting their own photography business. I love teaching and supporting others to achieve!

That's why I'm here – Bec Shaw Photography, your new photography bestie! Think of me as your Yoda, guiding you through this crazy world of capturing heart-melting moments and building a biz that truly fills your cup creatively and financially. I am not offering 1:1 online photography mentoring sessions to beginner photogrpaphers who want to pick my brain and ask all their burning questions.

I want to help you reach YOUR photography goals, whatever they may be.

  • Feeling lost? Don’t know what settings to use in your camera, not sure how to take beautiful lit photos or how to edit? Hey, I had to learn it all from scratch too!

  • Struggling to avoid those newbie mistakes? Been there, done that (and learned the hard way!). With my 9 years of experience as a professional photographer, I can be your shortcut to success. Let me steer you clear of those time-wasting stumbles so you can focus on building your dream.

  • Want your photos to truly sing? Developing your unique style takes practice, but you don't have to go it alone. We'll brainstorm together to help your vision shine and help you to bring in your dream clients.

  • Business side got you stressed? Photography is more than just capturing smiles, it's about building a sustainable business. I'll spill all my secrets on marketing, pricing, and client management – the stuff I learned building my biz from the ground up (remember, I ditched the 9-5 for this!).

  • Feeling like a solopreneur? It can get lonely out there. That's why I'm here to be your cheerleader and your hype girl We're in this together, celebrating your wins and figuring out the bumps along the road.

Some of the topics I am passionate about sharing with my mentees are:

  • Pricing

  • Accounting

  • Backing up photos

  • Contracts

  • Insurances

  • Client experience

  • Camera gear & settings

  • Printing

  • Creating work life balance

  • Client management

  • How to attract dream clients

  • Social media tools and tips

  • Websites

  • Apps & programs

  • Client management

  • Your online presence

  • Marketing

I'm a huge believer in the power of mentorship, which is why I've always invested in amazing mentors and coaches myself. Learning never stops, and I want to share that journey with you.

Investing in mentorship with me isn't just about getting info, it's about gaining a friend, a cheerleader, and a shortcut to your photography dreams. Let's ditch the struggle, find your spark, and unlock your full potential together! You'll be capturing those magical memories with confidence and building a business you truly love in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Let's chat!

Find out more about the Photography mentoring I offer to photographers who have just started their own family photography business.


Want discounts codes for the photography programs and tools I use in my business?


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