Inspiring Riverland Mother’s in Business

Being a Mother is a full-time job in itself, both rewarding, challenging and fulfilling.
I’m inspired by ALL Mothers but in particular have been fascinated lately to learn more about how Mother’s who run their own businesses manage it all.
I am very fortunate to have a great network of working mama’s who I’ve worked with through my photography biz; that have allowed me to quiz them on all thing’s mum/biz life. I personally found it fascinating to learn about their routines and why they pursued the career paths they have. It’s also been humbling to see that we really are all alike, walking the journey of life as best we can. I hope you find their stories, interesting and of benefit.


Tasha Morath- Think It Live It Coaching

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Tasha is a life coach and established her business Think It Live It Coaching 3 years ago in Renmark. She has 3 children, 2 girls aged 23 and 22 and 1 son aged 20.

Tasha said she knew next to nothing about being a mum. The only thing she can be certain of is that she loves being a mum and is super grateful to have the opportunity to share her life with three magnificent humans.  She never knew she had so much love to share before she became a mum. Tasha feels her life is full of abundance, love and joy and noted that she has made (as I’m sure we can all relate) heaps of mistakes on her mum journey.

Why did you choose the pursue your career: I’m not sure I did. I think it chose me. I know I am supposed to teach and coach. It’s what I was sent here to do.

Why did you choose to start your own business: I don’t know anyone else here in the Riverland that does the same style work that I do. I believe in the healing and self growth of this work so deeply I can’t not offer it to others.

What does a typical day in your life look like: My perfect day is; wake at 4.55am, meditate for 23minutes., short yoga session of sunrise stretching,10 minute Italian lesson, gym or run then swim in river (my favourite time of the day), shower, coffee, then off to my chosen place of work for the day (school or home coaching space). I then walk my dog Ollie or swim before the sun goes down then meditate for 23 minutes, before dinner prep and a glass of red with my husband, dinner with my two favourite boys, bed by 8.30pm and read. 

What is the most rewarding part of running your own business: I choose everything I do. I love it. It fills me up. It allows me to have freedom and create balance in my life.

What is one tip you would give other mums who are thinking about starting their own business: If you are passionate about something that fills you up and others will benefit from your gift then what is stopping you?

What is one major thing you have learnt throughout juggling mum / work life: It’s not easy. But, at the right time, with support and courage it is so worth it.

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Kristy Hodgson - Jarah’s Hair Salon


Kristy is a very inspiring mama, not only has she been part owner of Jarahs Hair Salon in Berri for the past 10 years, she’s also a mama to two cherubs aged 4 and soon to be 3. Having kids has not at all stopped Kristy from pursuing her passion and smashing her professional goals.

Why did you choose the pursue your career: I always loved the fashion industry i didn't necessarily want to be a hairdresser until i did my work experience in year 10 at Jarahs Hair and fell in love! Also my Mum was a hairdresser and was so excited when I decided that's what i wanted, she still pushes me to be better and do more! There really is no better feeling then helping a client to feel beautiful & confident from the inside out, it's addictive!

Why did you choose to start your own business: I never wanted my own business, a good friend said to me it’s like having a baby (I didn't think I ever wanted that either) BUT very lucky for me I have got to do both! I always had a great relationship with Maria (Jarahs Hair Founder) and I was living in Adelaide and we use to chat "hair" on the phone, I told her I was moving back and she suggested to join the business and it just felt right at the right time! I am so grateful for her guidance over the past 20years I couldn't ask for a better mentor.

What does a typical day in your life look like: I have 3 - 4 workings days per week with clients - so my days home with the kids can vary between PJs & Netflix to playgrounds & play dates or a day of jobs!! A typical work day for me is 6.30am wake up squished in the middle of two kids, make them breakfast, put on bluey so I can do my hair and make-up! Drop the kids off and head in to the salon for my 9am client, between clients reply to emails, chat to the team, make sure everyone is on track/happy, last client 4.30pm (unless it's my late night) and race to pick the kids up to have them home in time to do dinner/bath/bed. Kids fall asleep sneak out of bed and reply to messages and get ready for the next day! I work alongside an awesome team who know they can call me anytime they need and hold the fort in salon for me when I can't be there.

What is the most rewarding part of running your own business: Watching other people grow and succeed, seeing those light bulb moments when it all starts to click for them! Knowing you have helped them on their journey where ever it may take them is so rewarding.

What is one tip you would give other mums who are thinking about starting their own business: Mums are amazing at multi-tasking, even with no sleep!! So if you have a vision take a leap of faith... you can do anything ... women really do have super powers!

What is one major thing you have learnt throughout juggling mum / work life: That everyone is also looking for the 'balance' don't beat yourself up! It has taken a few years but I have realised that the feeling of guilt for not being with your kid’s full time and the same feeling of guilt for not being at work with my team full time will never go away but you learn to own it and find a rhythm to ride!

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Catarina Santini - CS Accounting


Catarina is owner of CS Accounting in Loxton which launched two years ago, she has 3 children aged 9, 8 and 6.

Why did you choose the pursue your career: To help support and guide businesses to understand their numbers and how they impact their business.

Why did you choose to start your own business: To follow my dream and provide a flexible work/life balance. I want people to understand the importance of numbers in their business!

What does a typical day in your life look like: Goals/Gratitude, Boxing Fitness Classes, Breakfast, School Drop Off, Work, School Pick Up, After School sports, Kids Homework, Dinner, Kids Bed, More Work, Bed.

What is the most rewarding part of running your own business: Doing what I love doing every day. I absolutely love my job, I love helping businesses. Watching my clients grow and succeed makes me so proud and excited for them!

What is one tip you would give other mums who are thinking about starting their own business: Remember it is your business and you can set the schedule around you. You don’t have to do what ‘everyone else’ does. Also remember that you are just as important as your kids and business and it is ok to put you first!

What is one major thing you have learnt throughout juggling mum / work life: My kids will pull me up when I am working too much which is hard to hear but so grateful they can be honest with me. They understand and they are proud of me. I want them to know they can do whatever they want to do. No goal is too big!

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Catherine Kenyon - Santosha Health and Wellbeing

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Catherine is owner of Santosha Health and Wellbeing in Renmark, she’s been running her Chiropractic business since August 2012 and has had huge business growth, she’s currently in her third location due to outgrowing the previous premises. She is a mama to Harvey who just turned 3. Catherine was very open in sharing her story and mentioned it took 5 years and a miscarriage to get him, so she takes nothing for granted and appreciates everything about him. Even the hardest days.

Why did you choose the pursue your career: When I was in year 12 I went along to an information night and they talked about how chiropractors can have flexible working hours, great lifestyles, etc. And I was sold!

Why did you choose to start your own business: Because I had my own ideas on how I’d like to work and set up my practice. It was mostly for freedom. Freedom to do what I want and how I want it.

What does a typical day in your life look like: I only work one to two mornings a week and I’ve set it up like that to spend my mornings with Harvey. We’ll wake up together, have a relaxed breakfast, likely playing with some kind of car, motorbike or train. If I have time, I’ll put tea in a slow cooker so it’s ready for when we all get home (otherwise one of the grandmothers cooks us tea.) Then I’ll take Harvey to swimming, KinderGym, playgroup or the library. Hopefully wear him out so he naps, then I jump on the computer and bust out as much work as I can, before starting my shift with patients for the afternoon. When I finish it’s tea time, bath time, bed time.

What is the most rewarding part of running your own business: Freedom to choose my own hours and work around what Harvey needs from me.

What is one tip you would give other mums who are thinking about starting their own business: It does take time away from your children so it needs to be something you really love and are passionate about to reduce the feelings of guilt and tearing your heart between the two.

What is one major thing you have learnt throughout juggling mum / work life: I can’t do everything. And it’s really frustrating. I feel like I’m half-arsing everything.

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Anita Leach - All Virtual Bookkeeping

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Anita is a numbers whiz and is owner of ALL Virtual Bookkeeping . She’s been working as an employed virtual bookkeeper for multiple businesses for 7 years. In 2019 she became a registered BAS Agent, and decided to venture out and start her own businesses. She does however still work for a handful of her original businesses as an employee. Anita has 3 children, an almost 8 year old boy and 5 year old twins. In Anita’s words, all my children are precious little IVF babies and all from my third round. So, I like to say they're kinda like triplets, just born 2.5 years apart!!

Why did you choose the pursue your career: Before having kids I worked for an accounting firm which is where I began my studies. I have always had a love for numbers, and actually really enjoyed by job. However after having my first child my priorities changed and returning back to the position I had at the Accounting Firm was not an option for me. I was fortunate enough to be offered a bookkeeping job that suited my family and from there I continued by studies to become a registered BAS Agent and start my own Bookkeeping Firm.

Why did you choose to start your own business: Flexibility and family life played a big part in why I chose to become a virtual bookkeeper.

What does a typical day in your life look like: I get up super early before the kids wake up to utilise the first couple of hours of the day - a gym session, a coffee, work emails, and perhaps even start work for the day. Once they're all awake it's full mum mode until school drop off. My work schedule and location changes day by day but will always finish in time for school pickup. It's also important to me that I take some 'me' time, not everyday, but at least once a week. It might be to enjoy a coffee with girlfriends, schedule in a hair or beauty treatment or catch up on personal tasks. This time is important to me, but on those days I usually log back on at 7pm and work for a couple more hours to catch back up. It's called balance!

What is the most rewarding part of running your own business: Helping small businesses take control of the financial side of their business. By doing what I love my clients can do what they love.

What is one tip you would give other mums who are thinking about starting their own business: Do it!... But also start it right. Create a business plan to make sure you have a clear vision! The bookkeeper in me also suggests to pick a business name and register it. Apply for an ABN and any other tax registrations you need (seek advice from your accountant or a bookkeeper). Will you need to be insured? Will you need an industry license? A BIG tip is to also open a business bank account. Separate those business and personal funds ASAP!

What is one major thing you have learnt throughout juggling mum / work life: Take some time for yourself, away from you business and without kids. If you burn out who will look after your business and your family? Whether it be a coffee date with friends, a gym session, or a day at the spa, it's very important to look after you.

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Callie Dimas - The Birth Nook

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Callie is mama to two spirited boys aged 4 and 1, since having her first child she ran her own successful freelance graphic design business but has recently put her passion for empowering women into a new business venture, ‘The Birth Nook’, a childbirth education business which she is set to launch this year.

Why did you choose the pursue your career: I studied graphic design, fell into marketing and used knowledge of both to freelance while my kids were little. After my second childs birth I felt pulled to teach about positive childbirth and the difference it can make on a woman’s birthing journey.

Why did you choose to start your own business: Flexibility while the kids have been so little. If they're sick, I can work at night or put it off a day. It's been an adventure to raise boys and run a business!

What does a typical day in your life look like: Chaos from beginning to end! The boys go to childcare twice a week which saves my sanity and means I can get work done. If i'm home and they're home then I'm just mum.

What is one tip you would give other mums who are thinking about starting their own business: Be gentle and kind to yourself. Take your time to enjoy both your children and your business.

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Family Photos for the Brown’s


Hey Mama Naturopathy Motherhood Shoot