Client Awards 2021

Another year coming to a close. I love to reflect on my year of business and never take for granted how lucky I am to meet and photograph so many families.
The greatest gift this life gives us is human connection and experiences, something I am so lucky to be immersed in regularly through my work.

Please know if you’re a client of mine and your session didn’t feature- it’s not because I didn’t enjoy your session, it’s likely because I couldn’t get creative enough to come up with a category to suit. Please email me if theres a category you think your shoot could have featured in.

Best first photo

This is it! I walked into Meg’s Room to say hi on arrival to her newborn shoot to celebrate Lily, and she was just sitting in her usual chair, feeding and looking all majestic and motherly. I had to get the camera out straight away. I love newborn in home shoots for this very reason, capturing the real moments of your newborn days. This shot will forever be one of my fav motherhood shots captured!

Most intimidating shoot

Look, this was an easy pick for me. Hands down my shoot at a family farm where wild Emu’s had become content in living around the home. I dont know if you’ve ever been close to an Emu, but they make this drumming noise with their throat as they approach you and they can run FAST. With a camera covering my face most of the shoot, I did try to have eyes in the back of my head to be on Emu watch. Can you tell my clients are used to being around their emu friend??

best dreadlocks at photoshoot

Ziggy’s dad wins this award, he’s the first person with dreadlocks I’ve ever photographed. I wonder if Ziggy will adopt the same hair style when he’s older.

Keenest dad for photos

Brenton wins this category, he organised the whole shoot for his family and the love he has for them all shined through the entire shoot. Very sweet!!

Most amount of flies and midges at shoot

The amount of flies and midges at this extended family shoot was next level, like I cant even explain how many there were. I took a while to edit this gallery because every image featured more than 20 flies. Seriously. There was one section of photos which were unusable because a swarm of midges flew past and lingered covering everyones faces almost completely. … Choosing this photo to feature I found one fly still haunting me which I had missed!! On that note, if you see a fly I’ve missed in your edits - let me know. I look at your galleries for hours on end and sometimes these things are missed.

Most laughter at shoot

There was a lot of smack talk (mostly on part) and laughter at the Vowles family shoot. So much fun! This shoot was rescheduled I think 4 times, and I always say it’s those shoots that are totally worth the wait. Life happens and sometimes reschedules are needed due to sickness, weather or life commitments. But when you bring the family together and spend a quality hour present with each other, it is always worth it!!

Best sibling Cuddles

Sage & Beau - They give the best cuddles to each other and it was a joy to photograph them twice this year.

Best Live music at shoot

Music is a big part of Kiara and Ryan’s life, so it was totally fitting for Ryan to bring his guitar to their photoshoot and play music for Rylee - like he often does at home. Also, just FYI there was no other contenders in-this category but look, I’d love to encourage more live music in my 2022 shoots because I do like to be entertained also!
Exciting side note, Kiara and Ryan have just launched an acoustic Instagram page, click their picture below to hear their talent!

Last minute shoot Success

My incredible empowerment shoot with Bec. I reached out on Instagram wanting to try out a new lens and gave my audience 2 hours notice of a free shoot being available. Bec said yep and we created magic together. I truly feel my 2022 calling is to offer more empowerment shoots for women and help them to better connect to themselves and nature. If you feel called to experience a shoot like this for yourself, please reach out. They really are transformative and help with personal growth.

Sleeping Beauty

Beautiful Thomas, this image he allowed me to capture is divine!! I wish I looked that cute and slept as peacefully as he appears.

MOST amount of chocolate consumed at photoshoot

This award goes to the Traeger’s photoshoot. now Im not sure - but I think Lewis may take after his aunty with his love for choccy. I love how kids eat with no worries in the world of what they look like, fully immersed in the mindful experience of getting chocolate everywhere!!

There were so many more amazing / funny things to happen at my shoots this year, but these are just a few.

I love that my passion enables me to meet so many people and go on unique adventures weekly. Again I want to say THANK YOU.

I am really looking forward to 2022 and the new adventures and moments that await.


A Wander At Sunset


Documenting The Efrosinis Family