Celebrate T21 Book Project | Volunteer Photo Session To Support Down Syndrome Awareness and Education in Australia

Celebrating Down Syndrome, changing the world one chromosome at a time.


Jennifer (Owen’s amazing mama) approached me at the perfect time asking if I would be involved with the Celebrate T21 Book Project for 2023. For the invitation, I am grateful!

I am always looking at ways I can give back to my community and use my photography skills for the greater good and at the time I was thinking of what my next project or offering for the community could be.

The T21 Book Project supports newly diagnosed T21 (Trisomy 21 aka Down Syndrome) families as well as services such as Down Syndrome Australia and all states and territory organisations, General Practitioners, medical professionals and educators.

Some families find out that their baby has T21 before birth, others after birth and for some it can be a really emotional, isolating time with families not knowing much about the diagnosis initially.

This book aims to support these families and help celebrate their unique little one. It showcases photos of other T21 families and has beautiful, comforting quotes from each throughout so that the newly diagnosed family doesn’t feel alone and knows there is a community available to support their new journey. Along with the book, newly diagnosed families are also gifted gift packs with $300 worth of presents to celebrate their babies arrival.

To date Celebrate T21 have distributed over 4000 books, both nationally and internationally. Plus, over 300 gift packs!

These books and gift packs are only made possible firstly by the drive of Celebrate T21, its families who feature in the book and assist with fundraising, Photographers for donating their services and time and people like YOU who donate to the project.

If you would like to support the T21 Book Project you can donate via Owens families fundraising link.



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